Samantha Savvides
It was a tail end of her freshman year of high school when Samantha Savvides witnessed her cousin grappling in her backyard. Immediately captivated, Samantha decided to follow her cousin's footsteps and join East Coast United Queens Academy of BJJ. Enamored, she began to dedicate a vast amount of time into her training to progress as quickly as possible. Training five times a week, she promptly advanced her technique and within a few months began to compete. Now three years into her training, Samantha currently holds the rank of Blue Belt.
Blue Belt Competition Awards:​
Gold Medal 2018 Gi NY Summer Classic Good Fight
Gold Medal 2018 NoGi NY Summer Classic Good Fight
Gold Medal 2018 Gi NY State Championship Good Fight
Gold Medal 2018 NoGi NY State Championship Good Fight
Gold Medal 2018 Gi Duel at Delaware Good Fight
Gold Medal 2017 Gi NY World Championships Good Fight